Welcome friends! We are Katruvia and The Red. Our team consists of:
- Katrusha Skomorokha Negodieva ‘doch is renowned in the Arts and Sciences community for her intricate Russian garb and her amazing, unique scrolls. Her Commedia and Skomorokh performances are truly memorable. Oh, and food.
- The Honorable Lady Olivia Baker is most recognized for her Elizabethan garb and the angelic noise that comes out of her throat hole. Oh, and sometimes cake.
- The Honorable Lord Brendan Firebow is known in A&S circles for historically based leatherworks, such as books, sheaths, and sword hangers, as well as historical swordwork, working with period manuals to learn techniques and theory. Oh, and some wood.

Our plans for this month long event are to create a late period Russian attire suited for a woman of a rank beyond peasant.
This will consist of a sorochitsa under clothing dress, a secondary rich rubakha dress, a letnik outer dress with letniki embroidered stripes, and topped with a odnoryadka coat for women.
There will also be a full headdress of layers starting with the povojnik head cap, polotentse embroidered wrap, kokoshnik style hat complete with pearl net podniza and riyazni decorations at the temples, and an ubrus veil covering.
Our accessories and extra plans are for an ozherelki removeable collar worn as part of ceremonial dress and took the place of a necklace as well as a matching pair of zarukav’ya removeable cuffs that took the place of bracelets, a pair of hand felted and embroidered valenki boots, a leather embossed purse, hand poured buttons for closures for the coat, cuffs, and collar, a hand carved comb that ladies would always carry in their purse, a hand spun and woven belt, an embroidered handkerchief, a pair of rukavitsy mittens, and hand spun and finger loop braided coat frogs.
Oh. And a bear.
Hello! I am Fionna, one of the judges.
I am looking forward to seeing it. Do you have an inspiration piece to show us what all these things look like.
Hello! I’m Beatrice, and I’m one of the judges assigned to your group! I, too, would be interested in some pictures or sketches of the various layers and plans for this outfit and its components … As I was reading, I was comparing the various described items to the image of Katrushka, and I’m presuming the garments will be similar (at least in terms of numbers of layers) to what she has on in the photo posted here, but having a breakdown of the pieces would help (especially since the terminology is foreign).
(I’ll tell you now that I will probably continually refer to things as “coat” or “mittens” rather than the proper Russian words–even as a specialist in Italian renaissance dress, I have trouble keeping gamurra and giornea straight in my head as terms for gowns!)