Family of the Plague

Family of the Plague has decided not to make fancy garb but to make garb that will be  comfortable, easy to care for and that we can work in. It is specifically to be worn for outdoor events such as Pennsic. After saying this we will still stay as much as we can within the time periods type of clothing. The time period is 5th – 7th century Anglo Saxon/Viking. We are a husband/wife team and each of us will be doing very specific tasks while working together to create two comfortable outfits. We are from the Middle Kingdom and have been in the SCA for a long time. Nigel is a Laurel in wood working and Catherine became a baroness for her cooking. Because of the current plague(covid19) we are trying to only use the stuff that are currently in our studios. We will avoid going to the store for any supplies. As most people in the SCA we have stockpiled many yards of fabric and leather.  We enjoy crafting so we should have all of the other supplies too. Normally, we prefer buying garb and accessories over making it ourselves but this is a perfect project for the plague.

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One Response to Family of the Plague

  1. Golden Covid-stress-relief Sewers says:

    Good luck and happy sewing! – Gwynnyd

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