“The Best-laid Schemes o’Mice an’ Men Gang Aft Agley”

Buonasera Gentle Reader,

Please forgive the Robbie Burns quote from 1785, but it seemed fitting for today’s post.

Truly believe me Reader, I had every intention of sewing today. Instead, I was called away to the Camelot Sewing Room as there was a moth infestation discovered in some wool. So I spent my afternoon helping with that emergency and not in making a draft of my partlet or my corded stays.

Naturally I did very important embroidery motif research while watching the Oprah interview with Meghan and Harry as well. Never let it be said that I cannot multi-task.

Love and Gilded Stitches,


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One Response to “The Best-laid Schemes o’Mice an’ Men Gang Aft Agley”

  1. Beatrice Domenici della Campana says:

    No! Not the wool!!! Must protect the wool!!!

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