22 March 2021 – … — …

For those who do not know Morse Code the symbols above are code for S O S!

Reaching that critical part of any project where MAJOR panic is setting in. Feeling as if there is NO WAY I will get this finished in time to take pictures, make a file or presentation to send in advance nor be able to wear the outfit so people can see it live on Saturday!

Have already made the decision that several items I will NOT be able to make or complete – however it seems to be okay per the contest rules. But still ……….

  • Skirt cut out but need to assemble, please, attach bodice and hem

  • Hood not even cut out then will need to be assembled.

  • Have to finish false sleeves and found HUGE issue at this late stage – there are ELEVEN points for buttons on pattern, but supply list said I would need TEN per sleeve.

  • Beaded coif will in no way be ready – so need to whip up a quick plain one

So if you don’t hear from me I am in the corner sucking my thumb and eating cookies.

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