day twenty: pull up your socks

We’re on the downhill side of this challenge. My serk is done, my smokkr is done except for straps, the tablet weaving is done… all that’s left are the hosur, which are basically Viking thigh-highs.

I started developing the pattern before the challenge started, and I actually thought that it was all set, so I cut one foot and one leg out of the fashion fabric and started sewing everything together… annnnnd fail.

I mean, at least they were too big…

So I’ve been doing a lot of tailoring with these tonight, and it’s been going a lot better than when I was developing the original pattern. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my back and reaching my own feet was a problem at the time, but thanks to physical therapy and good pain drugs, I was able to do that tonight and do what I needed to do.

I completely redid most of the back seam of the leg, and it fits much better. I marked the line with chalk, tested it with safety pins, redid the chalk line and basted it, then trimmed it down and traced the new shape onto the paper pattern with a contrasting pen. I also changed the shape of the edge going over the top of my foot.

There is also a new angle on the heel, not pictured above.

The rest of my thoughts on doing these hosur are summarized below:

It seems like a lot, but they’re really tweaks rather than major re-jiggering, other than maybe putting the seam of the foot on the bottom (I ain’t skeered). Right now, though, it’s super-late and I AM GOING TO BED. Night, y’all.

About Tasha

Seamstress from Carolingia. Baroness, Norsewoman, semi-pro smarty-pants.
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