Sunday 03/21 Post: Hitches in the Stitches

D. Pellote: Fabric and Liner Snags

1. The Half-Inch Blunder

When I first drafted the pattern for the pellote, I had allowed for 1/2″ to be added in case I had wanted a parti-color look in the future, and wrote a note: “Subtract 1/2″ for uni-color.” I cut the liner and interlining subtracting that 1/2″ but had neglected to do so for the fabric. The fix was easy enough: Take in the required 1/2″ down the middle of both the front and back panels, and cut through the middle of the fold to create a seam allowance. Since this fabric is mono-color, I may add some trim down the middle to hide the seam, at least down the front, if time allows.

The half-inch taken in, wrong side.
The half-inch taken in, before the top of the fold is cut to create a seam allowance.
The front panel with the seam created after taking in the 1/2".
The front panel with the seam created after taking in the 1/2″.

2. What Needle Has Joined, Picker Shall Put Asunder

The function of that little peak in the side panels (at least to me) is to help line up where there front and back panels drop with where the side panels continue. Once all is pieced together, the tops get snipped off, the liner gets added on, flipped to the inside, and the under-stitching commences.

The front and side panel join.
Fabric and interlining front and side panel join, before the peak is removed.

All was well and good with the fabric and interlining, but I realized that when I had sewn the liner, I had placed the peak of the side panel on the same level as both the front and back panels. So I have had to pick apart those seams in the liner. I have managed to correct the front panel joins with their side panels. I hope to finish the liner’s back panel joins tomorrow evening, sew the liner onto the pellote on Tuesday, under-stitch on Wednesday, and maybe add the trim. At least I was able to piece together the pellote with the interlining today. This is quite literally cutting it close.

Dios mediante, I will be able to finish what I can on Thursday, have my husband take some pictures of me so I can create a quick PowerPoint, create a .mov file from it and send it on ahead on Friday, since I have no camera on my desktop to be able to use on Saturday.

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