Author Archives: Bartholomew Sharpe

We have Pockets!

As I stated in my last post the pattern for the hose was created using the “bara” method applied to a pattern from Patterns of Fashion 3. I have made ALOT of hose of various styles over the past 5 … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | 1 Comment

Onwards to the hose!

With my base layer completed I am now in the process of making the venetian style hose for my outfit. Venetian hose first crop up in England at the end of the 1570 and are still seen in art as … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

The Base Layer, the Linen Shirt

Linen shirts formed the base layer of all male clothing during the Tudor period. The underwear of the period seems to have been comprised of a long linen shirt which reached almost to the knees.  The shirt I chose to … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | 3 Comments

“For a Cutt fustian Dublet and a paire of kersey hose, with one silk lace iii li is iid”

The above quote was taken from a book of receipts for a “gentle youth”, and what he spent on his clothes. When I came across the record, I suddenly knew exactly what I wanted to make for the Ethereal Seamstress … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | 4 Comments