Author Archives: Kitta Refr

The Final Sprint and Crossing the Finish Line

I made it! The past week has been a blur of sewing. My fingertips are slightly numb from all the sewing, my craft area is a huge mess, and I have SO. MUCH. homework to do this weekend, but I … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Kitta Refr, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Progress, Setbacks, and the Home Stretch

I can’t believe that it’s already the last week of the competition! I have so much left to do! I had a bit of a disappointment this week… I spent an entire day working on the sleeves. I bound the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Kitta Refr | 2 Comments

Quick Update

I haven’t been able to update this week yet, as I’m out of town, but I will be back home by Sunday and will post my current progress. In the meantime, here is a terrible photo of me looking vaguely … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Kitta Refr | Leave a comment

Support, Both Moral and Figural

Most of the past week has been dedicated to sewing eyelets. Soooo many eyelets. 70, to be precise. They actually went by fairly quickly, but I was so busy with other things (well, one thing… school) I didn’t have much … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Kitta Refr | 3 Comments

Of Inkle and Eyelets

I started a bit backwards on this project by making the inkle band for my hose garters first. I just got a new loom and was itching to try it out, and had a day where I knew I’d be … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Kitta Refr | 2 Comments

Late 15th Century French Outfit

Greetings! I am Kitta Refr, and I hail from the Barony of Rivenoak in the Kingdom of the West. I am entering into the Advanced category, and my entry is a late 15th century French outfit based on those worn … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Kitta Refr | 4 Comments