Category Archives: Winged Monkey

Still Slogging

away at my smock. Doing it all by hand, so it’s taking a bit longer, but I hope to be finished with it tomorrow.

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Winged Monkey | Leave a comment

Not a lot accomplished so far, as I had a quilt commission to finish and get out of the way–but the white linen for the smock and apron has been washed, dried, and pressed, and I’ve started on the pattern … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Winged Monkey | Leave a comment

Winged Monkey Post #1

Greetings from beyond your borders! I am Laurensa Silverlock, current resident of the Barony of Cynnabar in the Mid, but a former resident of the Shire of Owlsherst. I am planning a German Renaissance outfit from the early 16th century, … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Winged Monkey | 1 Comment