What even is pattern drafting?

Tuesday… In which I realize that I am absolute shite at pattern drafting. I seem to have a tendency to make draft things too big. For example I made the pattern for the shirt like 6 inches too big in all directions. The braies were too big and requiring a SECOND alteration to the pattern. I also realized today that I made the doublet pattern big enough to fit my husband (perhaps an exaggeration) and not my son (literally like half the upper body girth of my husband).

When all else fails just draw on the boy

Now then – It’s gonna get better from there right? I mean the hose legs look like legs so those will be fine right? RIGHT?!?!?! About those hosen – In my defense: 1. I’ve never made hosen before and 2. we’ve established that I can’t draft patterns So – here’s what happened on the test fit:


Have ya’ll seen that Disney movie Hercules? Ya know how Hades head burst into flames ? THAT WAS MY HEAD and then I looked at mock up and then the pattern {repeat 3 times}:

The good news about the hosen pattern is that all the other curvy bits on my sons tree trunk legs fit damn near perfect. So I guess that’s something. I ended up basically Frankensteining the foot and heel bits while it was on boyos leg. He is a patient and good kid for which I’m grateful.

Now this is not entirely a woe is me post. So here’s the good things: 1. while my patterns were too big they were the right kind of pattern (if that makes sense) 2. I wasn’t horribly off the majority of the hosen pattern and 3. I knew that something wasn’t right with the “changes” I made 4. Last but not least I AM LEARNING

The down side to the pattern drafts/mods is that I am most definitely behind my planned schedule for this whole thing. That means I need to try to make up some time here so I – wait before I proceed DISCLAIMER: DON’T HATE ME! THIS IS ONLY FOR THE TEST OUTFIT – ok I am going to use my serger (as much as possible) for the rest of the mock ups.

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5 Responses to What even is pattern drafting?

  1. Severin Festschdamacher says:

    Good eve and well met, I am Severin Festschdamacher, from BBM and one of the judges. Reading your post, brought back more than just a few memories. One thing that I do tell anybody doing fitting is, it is better to have a larger sized piece than one that is too small, even an inch. It is easier to remove material than to add. Don’t stop, and don’t be afraid to make modifications to your ideas as you go. I look forward to more of you work. Keep it up, you’ve got this.

    • And Anne!  says:

      Good Evening! Thank you for taking the time to comment. I very much appreciate your words and am trying to stay focused on good progress. My son and I actually joke now about “it’s off by like 6 inches right?”

  2. Elizabeth Vynehorn says:

    Greetings Anne! Reading this made me groan in sympathy and admiration. Drafting can be hard, and drafting hosen is particularly challenging! I think you did a great job – you persisted and you made it work.

  3. Melody Ann Faith says:

    You are definitely on the right track. Just remember that you are undertaking a very ambitious project.
    Dulcinea (one of your judges)

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