A shift in the project

We finally were able to rearrange a few things and managed to get started with all of the cutting and some of the sewing! We managed to sew together the first layer, the shift as well as cut out the applique for the apron panel! We also got everything cut out so we can prepare for sew-a-polooza next weekend! Gwen took care of sewing the shift (it was one of her first sewing projects and the whole thing is still white) and it came out fantastic! I managed to sew together the underdress today and though my wife and fellow ethereal seamstress competitor was able to help me by taking a picture of me holding it up, without Gwen who is not only half the team but the model, you unfortunately only get to see a picture of me holding it up for now instead of her wearing it. You’ll just have to wait til next week! In the meantime, they hedeby handles came in so the bag is now fully assembled minus the strap which is being woven! we figured out what I was doing wrong with the weaving which unfortunately meant starting from scratch but we’re using a 5 yd loom so we will have enough and then some for this! More to come! Hope you’re as excited to see it as we are to make it!

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