
I thought it might be useful to those reading along to see my source materials. Here is a list of the books I refer to in the posts.


Ajmar Wollheim, Marta and Flora Dennis. At Home in Renaissance Italy.  London: V&A Productions, 2006.

Anduxar, Martin de.  Geometria y Trazas Pertenecientes al Oficio de Sastres. Madrid: Imprenta del Reino, 1640.

Arnold, Janet.  Patterns of Fashion:  The cut and construction of clothes for men and women c1560-1620. London: Macmillan Publishers LTD, 1985.

Arnold, Janet.  Patterns of Fashion 4: The cut and construction of linen shirts, smocks, neckwear, headwear, and accessories for men and women.  London: Macmillan, 2008.

Braun, Melanie and Luca Costiliolo, Susan North, Claire Thornton, Jenny Tiramani.  17th-Century Men’s Dress Patterns 1600-1630. London: Thames & Hudson LTD, 2016.

Freyle, Diego el. Geometria y Traca Para El Oficio De Los Sastres. Sevilla: 1588.

Crowfoot, Elizabeth, Frances Pritchard, and Kay Staniland. Textiles and Clothing 1150-1450. London: Boydell Press, 2001.

Monnas, Lisa. Merchants, Princes and Painters: Silk Fabrics in Italian and Northern Paintings 1300-1550.  New Haven: The Yale University Press, 2008. 

NG, Aimee and Simone Facchinetti, Arturo Galansino.  Moroni:  The Riches of Renaissance Portraiture.  New York:  The Frick Collection, 2019.

Orsi-Landini, Roberta, and Bruna Nicolai.  Moda a Firenze:  Lo stile di Eleonora di Toledo e la sua influenza. Firenze: Pagliai Polistampa, 2005.

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2 Responses to Sources

  1. Fionna Goodburne MacNicol says:

    Matthew Gnagy aka the Modern Maker is noticeably absent from your list. Is there a particular reason? Yes, I am being nosy. 😉

    • Frithuric as a Moroni Painting says:

      Hi Fionna, Mathew isn’t really absent. I didn’t use his books for this project as my desire is to translate the source materials for myself not use another’s interpretation. However, I have studied pattern drafting with him directly so his influence is definitely in my work to some extent. My practice is not to list the people I have studied with as period resources (unless I use their scholarship, of course) though I am thankful for the skills.

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