Seeing The Finish Line

I am so close to finishing. I’ve attached my skirt, added eyelets, hemmed my skirt, about to hem my chamise, and finish adding thread around the eyelets. I don’t know if I have time today to get the sleeves done. I’m going to try. And iced decide to do a simple slipper to add to the ensemble. So let me show you what I’ve done.

I decided to go with grommets for extra durability. And of course later I was shown an article that says this actually can weaken linen. But since I did one whole side before I saw this, I kept going.

After adding the grommets, I loosely added the skirt to see if it needed any adjustments. Got my boyfriend to confirm the placement of the skirt and where to hem it.

Rolled and sewed the hem of the skirt.

I also rolled and hemmed the outer circumference of my sleeve. I debated on adding possible homemade binding tape, but didn’t want it to distract from the neckline.

Its almost done!

So I need to hem the chamise. Make the sleeves if time still allows. Cover grommets with silver thread. Make slippers from leftover fabric. And then I’ll be done.

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One Response to Seeing The Finish Line

  1. Fionna Goodburne MacNicol says:

    Hi Onara! Can you please give us some more details about your outfit? Which pattern did you use? What did you line the bodice and stiffen it with, or did you? How are you finishing the neck and cuffs of your smock? And what was your inspiration for the outfit? Looking forward to seeing it on you!

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