3.25 Finale

No pictures today; my old laptop with the memory card reader has given up the ghost. I’ll resurrect it later.

Monday, 3/22:

   Finished repairing the white pants. Hopefully I don’t bust through them again although I’ve been slacking on leg day lately so it’s unlikely.

   Also finished the hemline on the zipun as well as adding extra length to the cuffs. My desk is absolutely covered in little pieces of velvet. The only thing the zipun needs is closures and the decorative braids.

Tuesday, 3/23:

  Once I figured out the trick of starting it, fingerloop braiding goes super fast. Got some of the braids for the zipun finished. I’m planning on trying a two-colour braid for the kaftan.

  Did the hand-finishing on the kaftan sleeves; both the arm-slits and the cuffs. Still need to go back and finish the hemline. Beyond that it also needs the closures and decorative braids, and perhaps some stitching to keep everything lying right.

Wednesday, 3/24:

   More fingerloop braids. I hate the colours I bought for the kaftan braid so I think I’ll just do everything in plain red for now. My local store was a bit short on options when I last went and it’s unlikely to have improved.

   Finished the hem on the kaftan and did some support stitching around the neck and shoulders. The weight of it still drags a bit, but now it lies nicer.

   Got some of the braiding onto the zipun and then messed it up (big ooof). I need to make new braids and re-do all of it, plus I still need to add closures. At this point I may scrap the braidwork on the kaftan and go for simple closures instead depending on time. 

Thursday, 3/25:

   Wild to think we’re just about done. I’ve got a friend coming over tomorrow night to do a photoshoot to get finished pictures, then I’ll be making my video presentation and I’ll be finished. Have to say I’m looking forward to having free time again.

   Remade the braids for the zipun. Getting much better at it now. Got them on and (mostly) straight; also put on the hooks and eyes and some decorative ‘pearl’ buttons. 

   Did the topstitching on the taf’ja, which is as finished as it’s going to get. If I did this hat again I’d use yet a different pattern–although I’m not quite sure what that would be, only that I don’t particularly like how it came out.

   All that’s left is to finish the boots and put closures and perhaps some braid on the kaftan. I’m a bit surprised; it feels like I’m forgetting to do something. 

Posted 3/25 at 20:16 local time

About Slav Squat Xtreme

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2 Responses to 3.25 Finale

  1. Elizabeth Vynehorn says:

    Sounds like you’ve been very busy. I’m really looking forward to seeing your completed entry.

    • Slav Squat Xtreme says:

      I’m very excited to show it! I’ve been bothering all my friends about it non-stop, so a new audience will be much appreciated.

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