Author Archives: Bartholomew Sharpe

And Finished!!!

Well, that’s been one hell of a month. I have sworn in at least 3 languages, I have stuck myself repeatedly with pins, I have run out of materials, but I am happy with what I have accomplished. Despite the … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe | 4 Comments


The one part of my outfit that I decided to make prior to the start of the competition was to make a pair of shoes. Shoes are possibly the hardest part of an outfit to get right, they really make … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe | 1 Comment

Bias cut snazzyness

Down to the last few days of this challenge. And what better way to spend those days, than trying to push myself! To help finish off my outfit I decided to sew a pair of linen hose (stockings). I came … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe | 1 Comment

The doublet has landed

Well down to the last mad dash to the finish line. After the trials and tribulations that happened with this doublet, to see it completed is rather rewarding. I am very happy with both the fit and the overall look … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe | 1 Comment

The sky’s the limit

The knit hat is now completed. After applying brute force to it last night, it has now dried on the hat block and the finishing touches added. I felt my knit hats through a process of applying hot and cold … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | 3 Comments

Documentation (why do I think this is fun?)

To be fair I love doing research, I love looking at the tiny details that help me tell the story I want to tell with recreated garments and objects. I do not on the other hand enjoy typing it up … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe | 2 Comments

ARRRRRRGGGGG!!!!!! It was all going so well…

Well I really thought this project was going to go off without any major hitches, o how wrong I was. Other than the issue I had with the buttons the doublet had been moving along quite well. I have the … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe | Leave a comment

This doublet is the hill I will die on…… or I really should have check all the materials first.

The doublet was the mainstay of male clothing for close to 300 years. While the style and construction changed, doublets were a basic clothing requirement for men throughout the 16th century. At the beginning of the Elizabethan age doublets were … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | 1 Comment

Haem?…Haemato?…Haematoxylum?…. nuts to that its called logwood……

The hard true of the matter is that for most of us our family trees are not full of Lords and Duchesses. The majority of our ancestors were common people who made it by with hard work and whatever materials … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | 4 Comments

The hose have landed….

The Venetian style hose were completed on Tuesday night. Overall I am happy with the result, but I will be making a few modifications to the draft next time round. The hose are completely handed sewn using linen and silk … Continue reading

Posted in Bartholomew Sharpe, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment