#13 What is your involvement in events…

Some candidates have suggested that the Barony should run more / longer / Kingdom events.  How often have you been on staff for the events that the Barony already holds?  Do you sign up in advance for positions; are you involved in setup and cleanup; and what was your participation in the running of the Barony’s most recent event, Summer Solstice Shoot?

Category: Candidate Questions
  • Sisuile Rumhann says:

    At our Summer Solstice Shoot we brought the thrown weapons targets, helped set up the range, marshaled the thrown weapons line, and tore down the range. Rumhann helped with wider clean up, including the archery range, and represented the Thrown community as Baronial Champion. Sisuile took a gate shift. We chose to keep our involvement at this event to day-of assistance, as Sisuile (and thus Rumhann) will be doing a lot of pre-cooking for both Artifacts and Yule where she is running both dayboards. We try to work with the coordinators of various event activities to let them know that we will be around to help, and frequently volunteer for jobs needed at events, including set up (Sisuile) and clean up (Rumhann). We have been involved with the last 3 baronial-involved events: Golden Seamstress (Sisuile helped with set up, clean up, running, and judging the contestants), Yule (Yule ceremonies, and Rumhann cleaned up the baronial presence after court), and we hosted/stewarded baronial thrown weapons champions.

  • MarkGwen says:

    Historically, we have worked on the Barony’s events from our earliest days. We started out helping with the pre-cook, set-up and clean up for Simplefare. We are always on site for setup and breakdown for events in the Barony. During the day we help Their Excellencies set up and break down court, Gwenllian takes gate shifts, and has run the Yule ceremonies for Her Excellency every year while she is at high table. Mark helps flip the hall at Yule, and has gladly filled in for the Midnight Visitor at the last minute at the request of Their Excellencies Bergental-Twice. We are involved in the planning of all of the events the barony holds. Both of us were part of the late night staff for the Golden Seamstress event: Mark assisted with setup and stayed until about midnight before he left on the account of another commitment the next day. Gwenllian stayed on site the entire time and worked the event from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon, leaving with the autocrat and the rest of the clean-up crew. We are usually part of the Friday night setup for Yule and Summer Solstice Shoot. At Summer Solstice Shoot, the Barony’s most recent event we were both there for Friday night set up. On Saturday Gwenllian spent some time at gate and welcomed several newcomers, both prior contacts and walk-ins. Mark ran the MOL table and coordinated the tournament with Aengus. Both of us stayed for clean-up, and were some of the last people to leave the site.

  • Grimolfr and Khazariyya says:

    This question is confusing on the basis that as landed Baronage, we would not be able to steward an event regardless of how much experience we may or may not have. Therefore, while your question of our experience will be responded to, because such experience may help in delegating as well as performing the event, we will also respond with ideas on how we may achieve greater chance of recruiting to help out with such events.

    Currently, the only people who volunteer for events are, in fact, the same small group of people which is unfair as has been stated. These are also the same people who attend meetings. If the only time an event is mentioned or volunteered for is at medting, can is it also be unfair to assume that the same people are doing it because there is no one else willing?

    In my opinion, it is unrealistic for the entire Barony populace to show up at every meeting. That is what officers are for. Representatives of their chosen area of populace, ie fencing marshal represents the fencers, A&S represents the artisans and so on and so forth. What if we use social media and the official website to announce which events are being currently planned, and which positions of help are currently open for volunteering, including but not limited to, the main positions such as event steward, feastocrat, etc?
    Of course, the person who volunteers will have to know they should attend meetings up to the event. And if they are new to the position but want to learn, they can be guided by those more experienced. But this gives more people the opportunity to step up and enjoy being more involved without continually keeping the burden on the same few.

    If we start using more avenues than just the baronial meeting, we are positive it can and will involve more members.

    As for our experience in running and helping events, Grimolfr has run numerous fencing and thrown weapons tournaments. He had also been on Queen’s Guard for the better part of a year that helps set up and break down at Royal events. He has also helped in a dayboard kitchen and regularly volunteers to do dishes after feast events. He was also the baronial herald for a few years running courts and volunteering at several “Ask a Herald” tables at events. He stayed at EK Royal last year to help set up and break down that camp which takes many days during Pennsic.
    Khazariyya has been on the Queen’s retinue for the last year. She was the co-autocrat for the last Hrim Schola event where the Dragonship Haven autocrat requested her for the next Hrim Schola for her quick response and dedication to getting the job done. She also spends a good amount of time documenting events with her photography skills, both Royal and Baronial. Khazariyya also volunteered and helped chatelaine an event.

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    3 Responses to #13 What is your involvement in events…

    1. Grimolfr and Khazariyya says:

      This question is confusing on the basis that as landed Baronage, we would not be able to steward an event regardless of how much experience we may or may not have. Therefore, while your question of our experience will be responded to, because such experience may help in delegating as well as performing the event, we will also respond with ideas on how we may achieve greater chance of recruiting to help out with such events.

      Currently, the only people who volunteer for events are, in fact, the same small group of people which is unfair as has been stated. These are also the same people who attend meetings. If the only time an event is mentioned or volunteered for is at medting, can is it also be unfair to assume that the same people are doing it because there is no one else willing?

      In my opinion, it is unrealistic for the entire Barony populace to show up at every meeting. That is what officers are for. Representatives of their chosen area of populace, ie fencing marshal represents the fencers, A&S represents the artisans and so on and so forth. What if we use social media and the official website to announce which events are being currently planned, and which positions of help are currently open for volunteering, including but not limited to, the main positions such as event steward, feastocrat, etc?
      Of course, the person who volunteers will have to know they should attend meetings up to the event. And if they are new to the position but want to learn, they can be guided by those more experienced. But this gives more people the opportunity to step up and enjoy being more involved without continually keeping the burden on the same few.

      If we start using more avenues than just the baronial meeting, we are positive it can and will involve more members.

      As for our experience in running and helping events, Grimolfr has run numerous fencing and thrown weapons tournaments. He had also been on Queen’s Guard for the better part of a year that helps set up and break down at Royal events. He has also helped in a dayboard kitchen and regularly volunteers to do dishes after feast events. He was also the baronial herald for a few years running courts and volunteering at several “Ask a Herald” tables at events. He stayed at EK Royal last year to help set up and break down that camp which takes many days during Pennsic.
      Khazariyya has been on the Queen’s retinue for the last year. She was the co-autocrat for the last Hrim Schola event where the Dragonship Haven autocrat requested her for the next Hrim Schola for her quick response and dedication to getting the job done. She also spends a good amount of time documenting events with her photography skills, both Royal and Baronial. Khazariyya also volunteered and helped chatelaine an event.

    2. MarkGwen says:

      Historically, we have worked on the Barony’s events from our earliest days. We started out helping with the pre-cook, set-up and clean up for Simplefare. We are always on site for setup and breakdown for events in the Barony. During the day we help Their Excellencies set up and break down court, Gwenllian takes gate shifts, and has run the Yule ceremonies for Her Excellency every year while she is at high table. Mark helps flip the hall at Yule, and has gladly filled in for the Midnight Visitor at the last minute at the request of Their Excellencies Bergental-Twice. We are involved in the planning of all of the events the barony holds. Both of us were part of the late night staff for the Golden Seamstress event: Mark assisted with setup and stayed until about midnight before he left on the account of another commitment the next day. Gwenllian stayed on site the entire time and worked the event from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon, leaving with the autocrat and the rest of the clean-up crew. We are usually part of the Friday night setup for Yule and Summer Solstice Shoot. At Summer Solstice Shoot, the Barony’s most recent event we were both there for Friday night set up. On Saturday Gwenllian spent some time at gate and welcomed several newcomers, both prior contacts and walk-ins. Mark ran the MOL table and coordinated the tournament with Aengus. Both of us stayed for clean-up, and were some of the last people to leave the site.

    3. Sisuile Rumhann says:

      At our Summer Solstice Shoot we brought the thrown weapons targets, helped set up the range, marshaled the thrown weapons line, and tore down the range. Rumhann helped with wider clean up, including the archery range, and represented the Thrown community as Baronial Champion. Sisuile took a gate shift. We chose to keep our involvement at this event to day-of assistance, as Sisuile (and thus Rumhann) will be doing a lot of pre-cooking for both Artifacts and Yule where she is running both dayboards. We try to work with the coordinators of various event activities to let them know that we will be around to help, and frequently volunteer for jobs needed at events, including set up (Sisuile) and clean up (Rumhann). We have been involved with the last 3 baronial-involved events: Golden Seamstress (Sisuile helped with set up, clean up, running, and judging the contestants), Yule (Yule ceremonies, and Rumhann cleaned up the baronial presence after court), and we hosted/stewarded baronial thrown weapons champions.

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