Introductions and such

Greetings! I’m Anne deBasillion. I’ve been in the SCA for about 6 years and have been making garb since the beginning. Not historically accurate (HA) garb mind you. I won’t share pics of my first or even second garb – trust me you’re welcome. I do have a silver brooch but have never won a garb competition. I’ve done the Birka challenge a couple of times but again it wasn’t HA soooo yeah. I’ve gotten better at doing things HA but I have a secret – I hate hand sewing. Like loathe it entirely. Also, I have a kid who wants Tudor garb. Does he hate me? perhaps….

So here we are – I’ve been interested in Ethereal Seamstress for a while but then Covid and now I have a chance to do this that’s slightly less anxiety inducing. (Except that we started a bathroom remodel at pretty much the same time – I probably should question my life choices.) Alright then – Novice level solo team – son gets his Tudor. Great. I can’t really draft patterns but commercial patterns are acceptable. Now I do know a thing or two about HA Tudor because I *gasp* did research. I turned to the Tudor Tailor and the Medieval Tailor Assistant to help modify that commercial pattern I picked.

So that DEFINITELY meant that I needed a test run. Also maybe shoes, gloves and a pouch? Ummmm sure? So below are pictures of all the fabric I’m going to be working with. Here goes nothing, or maybe something. Time and fate will tell.

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7 Responses to Introductions and such

  1. Fallon's Folly says:

    Glad to see I am not the only one who keeps pattern pieces for separate garmets in ziplock baggies!

    • And Anne!  says:

      Definitely not. This is the first time I’ve done a whole entire everything outfit all at one time. I needed to stay organized.

  2. Grimolfr says:

    You are going to do fine. I’m proud of you for doing this competition as it is no small feat.
    Good luck

  3. Kay Leigh Mac Whyte says:

    Greetings, Your Excellency, and welcome to e-BBM!

    Thank you for entering into the competition, and good luck. You’re miles ahead of me, as hand-sewing is something I have not tried, and machine sewing is… something I usually lack time to even attempt. Good luck to you, and you’ve got a great support network. This is a lot of fun, and I look forward to seeing your progress as things come together!

    Kay Leigh
    Seneschal, BBM

  4. Kay of Tre Asterium / Kay Jarrell says:

    Greetings! I look forward to seeing how your test run goes, and what you learn. One question: are your Test materials simliar enough to the Final materials to give you useful info about fit and drape? I learned the hard way on some materials over the years.

    • And Anne!  says:

      Some of the test materials are in fact the same fabric just in different colors. The materials for the gown are different but I think they will behave somewhat close to each other.

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