Recreating a 1570’s English Gown- Ellynor Redpath Check in #5

Once I had completed all four panels of the gown, I whip stitched them together at the sides and shoulders.

I also finished 4 more of the brooches I started last week, and applied them down the center front.

With the bodice assembled, it was time to plan out the sleeves. I zoomed in on the painting and traced over the lines of trim. based on the number of lines and the angles, this is the sleeve pattern I came up with.

The next step is to sew all the trim down and assemble both sleeves. Then comes the shoulder rolls, with more trim and more brooches.

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2 Responses to Recreating a 1570’s English Gown- Ellynor Redpath Check in #5

  1. Beatrice Domenici della Campana says:

    Hi there!

    I’m getting caught up on my reading/replying, and while I asked this in your previous post, I’m going to also ask it here so it has a higher chance of being seen!

    How did you choose the construction method for the bodice? Will you be doing the sleeves in the same manner?

    How will this bodice fasten? Are those brooches fastened to just one side?

  2. Ellynor Redpath says:

    The sleeves are constructed in two halves, attached, then lined. I’m less worried about having to take those in later (the reason I chose the bodice construction method) and will give a cleaner inside.

    The brooches are only attached to one side, but they hang over the edge to look like both

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