Part Two! Finished Skirt

So the main skirt is finished, and I’m going to say that I’m pretty darn happy with how it’s come out. There was some seam ripping, a snot-ton of stitching, but it’s been worth it.

Some very nice pleating
Some very nice pleating on the other side

I did this gorgeous pleating on both side panels, it was so nice and even. Absolutely lovely. It all had to be ripped out. Not only did it take up too much fabric, but it was in the wrong place.

This indicates that I began pleating directly from the sides. I did not.
Lots of pleats.

After the first pleats were ripped out, I practiced a few times and made sure that I had it right before stitching them in. I left a few inches of non-pleated material on each edge.

Waistband with tie. The tie is made from handmade twill-tape i keep on hand.

Pleats were sewn in, and waistband was stitched down.

Waistband sewn down, keeping pleats nicely in place
Please note the fairly even pleating that is very far apart.

Movies watched while stitching this skirt:
Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Thor, Iron Man 2, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War. Approximately 27.5 hrs.

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4 Responses to Part Two! Finished Skirt

  1. L. Severin Schröeder says:

    I thought I was the only one that had to rip out the stitching on pleats and redo the whole thing (usually twice). I usually go with all medieval-ish movies that I have on DVD, Willow, Prince Bride, Excalibur, that type.

    A lot of work, but a real nice looking finish. And did I mention I love the looks of that fabric?

  2. Kay of Tre Asterium says:

    I moved this question forward in case you don’t notice it on your First Post.

    Good Morning!
    I am rereading notes for your documentation and justification info. Am I correct that the book you cite as “Women’s Dress Patterns” is Tiramani and North’s “Seventeenth Century Women’s Dress Patterns Book 1”? Did you use a particular garment as a reference or was the book for general inspiration to create your own patterns?
    Thank you!

  3. Kay of Tre Asterium says:

    Advice for next time: You can read this next week. Kay

    After my first pleated and gathered Elizabethan skirt I learned to always do the math and decide how big your pleats are based on waistline of skirt *Section by Section* and where you want pleats and where gathers along the waistline of the wearer. I have pinned skirt and bodice together to be sure I get the waistlines the same length, and all the side and back seams to match.

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