Author Archives: Fortune St Keyne


Buonasera Gentle Reader, I would like to take a moment and just let you doubters know that after being kept up until 3:30am by the (absolutely wonderful) Sir Helga and Baroness Zahra on Between Two Peers I am actually sewing … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | 1 Comment

Sketchy Ideas

Buonasera Gentle Reader, Here we are again, nearly midnight on a Thursday. You, reading hoping for some scintillating update about my project. Me, being tired from my job during tax season, and having just finished a pear cider and “Ask … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | Leave a comment

In Which Our Heroine Updates

One of my dear helpful friends found the Incorrect Quotes Generator and sent this to me: Scene: The Sewing Chamber in the Sancte Keyne Palazzo. (Enter Fortune) Fortune: What’s your biggest weakness? Project: I can be uncooperative? Fortune: Can you … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | Leave a comment

A Long, Newsy Update?

Buonasera Gentle Reader, Tonight as I watch Ask the Knights Live with two of my favorite Jarls my tiny electronic social secretary alerted me that I was due, yet again, to update you in the progress on my Strawberry Peasant … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | Leave a comment

“The Best-laid Schemes o’Mice an’ Men Gang Aft Agley”

Buonasera Gentle Reader, Please forgive the Robbie Burns quote from 1785, but it seemed fitting for today’s post. Truly believe me Reader, I had every intention of sewing today. Instead, I was called away to the Camelot Sewing Room as … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | 1 Comment


Buonasera Gentle Reader, I truly hope you are ready for a big update. I also truly hope one of the other contestants is able to accommodate you. As for me and my house, we will continue to procrastinate. I describe … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | 3 Comments


Good morning Gentle Reader, My goal for this competition is a 1580s working-class style dress in the style of a Northern Italian pleasant as seen in the paintings of Vincenzo Campi and all of the outfit’s underpinnings: A dress with … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | 7 Comments