Category Archives: Built Fjord Tough


I didn’t get to post about the last-minute push to finish everything for my judging presentation. I got my basic hose finished at 4am on Saturday. I didn’t get to put the tops on them to really make them Viking … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | 6 Comments

day twenty-five: feet don’t fail me now

I need to make a foot for my hose. It’s proving more difficult that I anticipated, and it’s annoying me. And then I looked at my foot. I had opened up the seam of the leg portion, so I quickly … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments


Well, some of the things. A lot of the things. Here is a PDF. There are lots of words and lots of pretty pictures. Now I need a nap. Night, y’all.

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

day twenty: pull up your socks

We’re on the downhill side of this challenge. My serk is done, my smokkr is done except for straps, the tablet weaving is done… all that’s left are the hosur, which are basically Viking thigh-highs. I started developing the pattern … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

day sixteen: pi are cake

(I got a Boston cream pie for Pi Day, which is sponge cake layered with pastry cream and topped with chocolate ganache. I don’t care if it’s cake. It’s still pie, and it makes me So. Happy.) So… it feels … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

day fourteen: that went quick

Mar 12 I finished the tablet weaving for my project tonight. It went a lot faster than I expected — brocading is a LOT simpler than you’d think. You don’t have to keep track of how you manipulate the cards; … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments

day twelve: pivot

Tonight was our Baronial Craft Night, and I changed my mind about what I wanted to do tonight: rather than hem anything, I opted to warp up my loom to weave the brocaded band to trim my apron dress. I … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

day ten: command decisions

I’ve been in pain from a pinched nerve in my back since September. For a while there, the pain had receded, and I was left with a limp. Then it snowed, and I had to shovel, and ever since I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

day eight: false starts

Mar 6 Me: inserts gusset correctly the first time Me: goes to join sleeve seam… WHY AREN’T THE CUFF EDGES EVEN??? Also me: The top edge isn’t even. BRO, DO YOU EVEN PULL THREADS? I pulled threads. Honestly, it wasn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments

day seven: ring (of stitches) around the collar

(Clever titles are hard, okay? Don’t @ me.) I never got back to the liveblog last night, so let’s try again today. I got the neckline cut last night and right now I’m going to try to do a rolled … Continue reading

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments