Category Archives: Ottowhat?

Judging Sheets and questions

I got my judging sheets and I’m not mad or upset by them at all. I got middle of the road points and that’s what I expected. I think I’m harder on myself than the judges were. But I wouldn’t … Continue reading

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Initial Wrap Up Thoughts

The good-I challenged myself. I hand sewed the everything I got done. Yes, because my machine needs to go to the shop (so calling them Monday) but also because I’ve never hand sewn an outfit. Also the research-normally when I … Continue reading

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Fancy Hat

I totally lost track and forgot to post yesterday but I got the hat made and I’m pretty impressed with it actually. It doesn’t look at spiffy sitting on the desk but then my model put it on and wow, … Continue reading

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Documentation-Oh I thought of X at 4 am

So this always happens to me, I finish my documentation it’s done I’m happy and in this case I turned it in then at about 4 am because really who isn’t awake at 4am? No, just me ok I can … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 2 Comments


I’ve attached my documentation this way so that I’m sure my spacing and pictures are intact. Please let me know if this is not the best way to post my documentation and I’ll change it. Many Thanks!

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 2 Comments

UGH!!! Thursday 3/18/21

SO I finally got a layer sewn together (crazy couple of days with a bunch of OT for work and double ear infections)-what I was thinking that I could hand sew all of this? UGH! I didn’t take pictures because … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 3 Comments

Sunday 3/14/21

Ok, so I did get a lot of pieces sewn together but not any into a full piece like I had hoped. I’m taking the time to make sure I put everything together well. There will definitely be pictures of … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 3 Comments

Thursday 3/11/21

So I don’t have a bunch to show because I’m busy stitching, stitching, stitching. Since I didn’t want to miss the check in I figured I would show the pictures I put in my personal blog last night. Upside I … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 2 Comments

Sunday 3.7.21

So the last three days have not been great. Between work and sleep issues, Friday was a bust. Saturday got lost in ironing and looking for the pattern I swore I had saved. Then I found it. It is a … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 2 Comments

Thursday 3/4/21 Post

So I have nothing physical to show so far. It’s been a crazy work week but I’m hoping to get a bunch of stuff sewing done this week. I did spend some time working on my documentation so there’s that … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 1 Comment