Unto Their Excellencies Dorien of Lewes and Eloise of Coulter, and unto their Seneschal and their Barony Beyond the Mountain, greetings.
We, Lady Sisuile Buitiler and Lord Rumhann mac Duib Sidhe hereby declare our desire and intent to stand for the position of Baron and Baroness of the Barony Beyond the Mountain.
Rumhann is long of the East, having begun to play in A.S. 20 in Mountain Freehold, before moving to Connecticut for a while, becoming an archer and a member of Clan Kveldulf. While living in Atlantia for a time, he practiced with the Needwood Company of Archers, and authorized as a thrown weapons marshal, and continues with hurling bits of wood and metal at targets at high speed in various forms, as well as in leatherworking and blacksmithing. Currently, he serves as this Barony’s Captain of Archers.
Sisuile has traveled extensively, living and playing in five baronies in four kingdoms over fifteen years. She has been the Deputy Society Seneschal for Law and Policy, a deputy submissions herald in Northshield and Calontir, Lanner Herald (ceremonies), Dean of Performing Arts at Pennsic, an archer, fencer, costumer, general textilist, troll, bard, herald, and cook. Currently, she serves as this Barony’s Webminister.
Since we moved (back) here in 2014, we have been proud to call the Barony Beyond the Mountain home. The artistry and service on display here is astounding, and we have been impressed with the ability of the barony to hold well received and profitable events, as well as being solicited by groups outside our boundaries to hold demonstrations because we have such a good reputation. And the flowering of the martial activities in the barony that had so long been in dormancy has been fabulous to behold.
There do, however, seem to be a couple of divisions within the group. First, between those who participate without engagement and those who tend to have a very high level of service. In many non-profit groups, this is referred to as the 80/20 rule – 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people in any given volunteer scenario. One of the ways we have found to increase engagement is through community building social activities such as A&S nights, sewing days, and social gatherings. At present, the “barony” seems to only meet at marshal practices and at business meetings. Regardless of the polling outcome, we would like to open our home as an interstate-convenient location for baronial gatherings (which can also move around the barony if hosts are willing) on one Sunday a month for social time, which may include classes or baronial “projects” as needed. As a populace we do have baronial projects – it is always helpful to have cool and/or amazing collaborative endeavors to display at events and demonstrations. Garlands to mark list fields, banners to decorate feast halls, gold key sort-and-repair are the sorts of projects which fall into the categories of ‘Many Hands Make Light Work’, and very little experience or commitment required beyond the one day. As such, they work for newcommers and people with tight schedules as well as those who just don’t feel up to a higher level of participation. However, this gives all of us a larger sense of our local community as a barony.
The other division that becomes notable upon acquaintance with the group is geographical. The Connecticut River is a divide that few end up crossing with much regularity, either in the Society or in modern life. We fear that the Barony will not survive as a cohesive unit if we do not make conscious, dedicated efforts to build bridges across this boundary. As Baron and Baroness, we promise we would do our best to work with all corners of the barony, to work with the southern coast as much as Ravenhill. Travel is our normal state of affairs, and the Barony deserves leadership who will be able and willing to promote Baronial interests within the barony and beyond.
We have taken counsel of our peers, our friends, and many of the landed and formerly landed barons and baronesses before considering placing our names before the barony. We have considered time, ability, finances, and support structures before deciding that this is something that we wished to seek, and would be honored to hold on behalf of the populace of the Barony Beyond the Mountain and the Crown of the East.
In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Lord Rumhann mac Duib Sidhe and Lady Sisuile Buitiler