The vital fabric showed up 2 days ago. This is down to the wire, so I guess we’ll see how it goes. I apologize for the lack of detail, a fair amount should be answered in my write up that is due on Saturday.

Today I did some fitting tweaks on the supportive undergown, and now I’m cutting out the undergown and overgown.

Yesterday I tweaked the sideless surcoat pattern, getting the angle of the side slit just right has been a little bit tricky, but I think it should fall near correctly when it is properly lined. I wish I had a heavier silk to work with, but we have what we have.

Also, I finished the hosen. The pattern is a based on the fragments in fig 167 and fig 168 in the museum of London’s textiles and clothing book.

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One Response to

  1. Sisuile Butler says:

    Nice hose! those turned out really nicely.

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