Category Archives: Ethereal Seamstress

Ethereal Seamstress runs Feb-March 2021

Sewing Fugue Update

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Olalla Tristana | 1 Comment

Hose and Hood (behind the eight ball)

I am now officially behind in my progress. For the last week I have not felt well and accomplished basically nothing. Yesterday and today I have been quite productive and have caught up a bit. It feels weird not to … Continue reading

Posted in Eleanor Mac Congail, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

Gullinkambi crows!

With the last of the hemming completed, and the final stiches of the embroidery finished, Team Gullinkambi has finished! All of the pieces have been completed, all embroidery and weaving have been finished, and Lady Gwen even wrote her first … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Gullinkambi | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Final Stretch

All of the garb is completed. We are finishing up on the accessories such as the card-woven belt for Catherine’s garb, finishing the viking purse, hats for Nigel and Catherine, the finishing touches on shoes and an apron for Catherine. … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Family of the Plague | Leave a comment

Documentation-Oh I thought of X at 4 am

So this always happens to me, I finish my documentation it’s done I’m happy and in this case I turned it in then at about 4 am because really who isn’t awake at 4am? No, just me ok I can … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Ottowhat? | 2 Comments

3.21 Down to the Wire

Friday, 3/19:    My hands are starting to hurt from all of the hand sewing but the end is in sight. Got some of the work done on the zipun today before calling it a night.  Saturday, 3/20:    Time to stress. … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Slav Squat Xtreme | Tagged , | 6 Comments

The Biaut

This is the dress I have always wanted, but to get it out there right away, my construction technique theory is not the mainstream one, so I have not made it. If I made it following accepted construction methods, it … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, The Power of One | Leave a comment


Buonasera Gentle Reader, I would like to take a moment and just let you doubters know that after being kept up until 3:30am by the (absolutely wonderful) Sir Helga and Baroness Zahra on Between Two Peers I am actually sewing … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fortune St Keyne | 1 Comment


Well, some of the things. A lot of the things. Here is a PDF. There are lots of words and lots of pretty pictures. Now I need a nap. Night, y’all.

Posted in Built Fjord Tough, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

A Spanish Woman’s Ensemble

A note: I wrote this documentation as if everything has been completed, that is not a done deal, and I will post updates as to what has and has not been completed in the future, but this was the most … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Olalla Tristana | 1 Comment