Author Archives: Fallon's Folly

IT IS DONE !!!!!!!!

Some minor revisions need to be made (darn you foot for stepping on the hem and tearing the lining!!!), and beading to be finished. But here we go……

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | Leave a comment

25 March 2021 – Is that a light at the end of the tunnel ……..

Or is that an oncoming train?? 🙂 I did not do so well with posting twice a week – however, I do believe I will have the outfit completed tomorrow, or rather later today. And that is because it is … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | Leave a comment

22 March 2021 – … — …

For those who do not know Morse Code the symbols above are code for S O S! Reaching that critical part of any project where MAJOR panic is setting in. Feeling as if there is NO WAY I will get … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | Leave a comment

20 March 2021 – Garb Documentation or “More Information than you asked for – you may be sorry you asked!”

While my primary historical fascination is the 11th and 12th century in the British Isles, I do find the clothing and adornments of other periods and locations pretty and thought about creating a few of them for myself. And one … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | Leave a comment

March 18, 2021 – Adulting is Hard ….

My apologies for not posting this last week. I had hoped that by ignoring a specific medical issue it would somehow just go away …. but with my background in Biology I really should have know better. Oh well – … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | 5 Comments

10 March 2021 – Bodice fixes and the Kirtle

A couple of days ago I ran into a big mistake as I discovered I had cut two of the right-hand side pieces instead of a left and right. So I had to “frankenstein” material from the scraps I had … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | 4 Comments

06 March 2021 – Is it too late to change my mind???

So I started sewing my bodice pieces together this morning – and then cursed loud and long – and then cried a bit…… I freakin’s cut out two left sides of the back and side pieces instead of one left … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | 2 Comments

04 March 2021 – Thank Goodness for my Home Ec Classes!!

As I mentioned in a previous post the primary fabrics I am working with were acquired for free five years ago – which means I am limited by having to work with what I have for the main gown. Which … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | 4 Comments

27 February 2021 – Where I am starting from

As I mentioned I play 11th-12th century Britain with the ocassional Chiton to wear when the weather is stupid hot and muggy. As such I had no Tudor-era appropriate underpinnings going into this. During February I did the following prep … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | 1 Comment

27 February 2021 – or What Was I Thinking?!?!?!

Hello fellow contestants, managers, judges and others. I have reached the point in this project where I am wondering what the HECK I was thinking by signing up! Yes, I am away it is only Day 1 – but in … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Seamstress, Fallon's Folly | 1 Comment