Category Archives: Anne Ridley

Some Final Touch-Ups

Lacings: I at first put the corded eyelets on the very edge of my seam and drew the dress closed that way. However, because the cord was on the edge the tension from the lacings pulled, created an effect I … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 4 Comments

Cap Change

When I first started this project I used this picture as inspiration for a headpiece, because I believed that under this women’s hair was some kind of cap. However upon looking more closely I now believe that there is in … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments


Today I was able to finger-loop braid the lacing holes for the gown. I actually used thread to do the braiding as I wanted the end product to be very thin. As I want my lacing to be thick I … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 5 Comments

Saxony Dress Documentation

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Gown is (almost) Finished

The past few days I have been working on the sleeves and finishing up the rest of the gown. I have it pretty much done. All I have left now is the trim on the skirt and the lacing on … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 4 Comments


Over the past few days I have focused on the bodice to my gown; getting the pattern made and cut out, applying the trim and beading the center piece. The beading is roughly based on the bodice piece in the … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 5 Comments

Kirtle is Finished!

I finally fined the eyelets and so the kirtle is now completely finished, now I am beginning to work on the pattern for the gown itself. Side note: my sister is wearing a black tank-top under the kirtle in these … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments


I wasn’t able to do much over the past few days but I did get started on the eyelets to the kirtle

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

A Busy Few Days

The past few days have been a bit busy as I finished up the stockings and started the kirtle. The pictures below are of the stockings I created. They are a bit lose and off fitting so I will have … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 1 Comment

Shift and Stockings

This weekend I decided to start on the most basic elements of my outfit which was the shift and stockings. Yesterday and today I was able to draft the pattern for the stockings and complete the shift. For the shift … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Ridley, Ethereal Seamstress | 4 Comments