Category Archives: And Anne! 

Final Checklist aka did I get it all done

Prior to Feb 27th- take classes on pertinent stuff (braies and button making): yes research outfit components: yes Mod/draft patterns: yes shop stash to pick out and prep materials: yes order other materials (feathers and shoe making things): yes make … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 6 Comments

Two left feet

No seriously – I initially sewed the hosen with two left feet. It’s fixed now. Hosen are …. well they are things made from dark magic. I made a decent pair I think considering that I’ve never made them before. … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments

Mash-up Side laced Doublet

Originally I had planned on making the doublet from the same white fabric as the hose. With one line of embroidery down the center. The embroidery is an image I created based off the design in the portrait of Henry … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments

Keep the boy in clean drawers

Can I just say that I’m super happy with the final version of the shirt? I am. The test version was – meh. Collar and cuffs were… unremarkable. So I changed them . And I mostly hand sewed the final … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | Leave a comment

Spoiled boy got the silk brocade

The jerkin is done! What you see is a U shaped skirted jerkin as seen in the Henry VIII portrait. It is made with a silk brocade outer and lined with black linen. All visible seams are flat-felled. I hand … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 3 Comments

Documentation for Tudor Outfit

Link to my documentation is below

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 3 Comments

Why have I made it so hard on myself?

I have asked myself this question repeatedly lately. Yesterday there was essentially one week left. I looked at what I have left to do and had doubt. A LOT of doubt. Yesterday was an awful day and I honestly almost … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 4 Comments

I like linen – hand sewing not so much

This is not the WOW update I had wanted to do. Why you ask? Well that’s because I decide to do things that I hate. Which means that I’ve been hand sewing the linen shirt because apparently I have a … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments

Wait you mean IT ACTUALLY FITS?!?!

That’s right folks! Did another fitting on test/mock pieces with the boy on Monday and things fit. Hosen fit – Doublet fit – BRAIES FINALLY FIT THE WAY I WANTED THEM TO. Gloves – well… we’re not gonna talk about … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments

Fancy hat is Fancy!

I have made a bougie hat ala Henry VIII! I have conquered velvet and am all powerful!!!!!! (This is not entirely true but a girl can dream) All joking aside, I am very proud of this hat. Now I understand … Continue reading

Posted in And Anne! , Ethereal Seamstress | 2 Comments